This book sounds totally awesome, particularly for parents or anyone in the education system (K-12 or college). I say that based on co-author Joanne Lipman’s recent article in the Wall Street Journal, entitled, “Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results.” Lipman argues, “It’s time to revive old-fashioned education. Not just traditional but old-fashioned in the sense that so many of us knew as kids, with strict discipline and unyielding demands. Because here’s the thing: It works.”
She articulates these eight principles for tough teaching:
1. A little pain is good for you.
2. Drill, baby, drill.
3. Failure is an option.
4. Strict is better than nice.
5. Creativity can be learned.
6. Grit trumps talent.
7. Praise makes you weak…
8.…while stress makes you strong.
Read the whole thing.
HT: Owen Strachan