I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has already helped in some way to spread the word about my new book, Preparing Your Teens for College. It was the result of over 16 months of fairly intense work. It was a far harder book to write than Thriving at College, but I believe it has a far greater potential for fruitfulness. It’s written to parents, youth pastors, guidance counselors, ministry leaders and anyone else involved in the great work of equipping parents to train their teens to leave home with the faith, character, and maturity to be successful not just in college but in the totality of their lives. Help the parents and you help the students. Thriving at college begins before they get there.
To encourage people to check this book out, we’ve made a number of free resources available. You can look at the Table of Contents. You can read the Foreword by Tedd Tripp (a seasoned pastor and the best-selling author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart). You can read a brief overview of the book. You can find out why I wrote this book. You can read the 16 endorsements (from Jerry Bridges, Josh McDowell, Alistair Begg, Marvin Olasky, Tullian Tchividjian, Gregg Harris, Mark Bauerlein, Jim Daly, Derek Keenan, Kay Wills Wyma, Doug Wilson, Gene Veith, David Dockery, Michael Horton, Gene Veith, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Burk Parsons). You can even read two full chapters for free! More material can be found in the press kit (including how you can request a review copy or an electronic review copy).
Would you be so kind as to consider this book for yourself or for a friend? If you think it looks worthwhile, could you please spread the word to others? Thanks for reading.
Related: Check out the short promo video for the book, the up to 50% off sale (through March 3), or the guest post I wrote about it for the Desiring God blog.