My friend Matt Perman and I are hosting an informal author meet-up in the lobby of The Galt House at 10:00 PM on Tuesday night (4/8) of the Together for the Gospel conference. (Note: the lobby is in the first floor of the Suit Tower.) We will have some copies of our books to give away. Stop by for a chance to win, or increase your chances of winning by e-mailing a question in advance. We’ll do our best to answer as many questions as we can at the meet-up.
Matt Perman is the author of What’s Best Next and a former director of strategy at Desiring God. Here’s a nutshell description of our books:
What’s Best Next is about how to get things done and be productive in the new economy, in a gospel-centered way. It first gives a biblical vision for understanding our work, productivity, and the things we do every day; then, it gives a practical approach improving your effectiveness for the glory of God in all areas of life (something which is sorely lacking right now in the church). The book tackles questions like these:
- Why do we need to think of productivity in relation to God at all?
- What does it mean to go about our day-to-day tasks like email, meetings, and even tying our shoes from a gospel-driven perspective?
- Is it possible to get your email inbox to zero every day (yes!) and how do you do it?
- How do you identify a mission for your life that actually works?
- How do you connect what you do to God’s purposes, and thus have the greatest possible meaning and significance in your work?
Preparing Your Teens for College is about getting teens ready to leave home and enter the adult world with the faith, character and maturity to be successful in whatever God calls them to do. Thriving at college—and in life—begins in the home. Academic and professional success flow from character and maturity. And character and maturity flow from a God-mastered life. Here are some questions the book tackles:
1. What are the key character traits teens need to be successful at a college (of any sort)?
2. How can we help our teens own the Christian faith for themselves?
3. How can we help our teens make wise relational decisions and avoid the subversive influences of the wrong crowd?
4. How can we help our teens learn sound principles of financial stewardship so that they don’t become trapped in consumer debt or excessive student loan debt?
5. How do we teach our teens to love learning and to work unto the Lord? How can we help them discover their interest and talents, so that they make a wise decision regarding a college major?
6. What should they look for in a college (or trade school, or apprenticeship)?
We look forward to seeing you there!