When my wife and I did premarital counseling, our pastor described something called an "affirmation ratio." He commended the notion that a spouse should give ten compliments for every one critical remark. Not only would that tend towards softening the tone of the rare critique, but it ensures that the critical remark is heard in a larger context of love and delight. I thought that was a good word, particularly for type-A, perfectionistic husbands who tend to badger and nit-pick their wives. The Mary Carol Winkler case is a dramatic, extreme example of what can happen when a husband fails … [Read more...] about Affirmation Ratio: Husbands, love your wives!
With One Voice
Can Democracy Survive Polygmay?
Yesterday Albert Mohler posted a fascinating essay entitled: Can democracy survive polygamy? I found it to be insightful regarding the state of marriage in the US and in the world, particularly as the marriage amendment goes to a vote in the Senate this week. Mohler discusses an article by Stanley Kurtz in the June 5, 2006 issue of the Weekly Standard. Key Quote: In the end, Stanley Kurtz comes to a sobering conclusion: "Marriage, as its ultramodern critics would like to say, is indeed about choosing one's partner, and about freedom in a society that values freedom. But that's not the only … [Read more...] about Can Democracy Survive Polygmay?
Newsweek Cover Story
Daniel McGinn of Newsweek has a cover story in the June 5 issue of Newsweek called, "Marriage by the Numbers." I'll be discussing this article and other topics in an interview I'm doing tomorrow with Bill Feltner of Pilgrim Radio out of Carson City, NV. McGinn's article harkens back to a Newsweek cover story of 20 years ago -- in the mid-1980s that famously declared, "A woman in her 40s has less chance of getting married than of being killed by a terrorist." The 1986 Newsweek article ("The Marriage Crunch") was based on a study by Bennett, Bloom & Craig that found a 2.6% likelihood of a … [Read more...] about Newsweek Cover Story
Mayo Clinic Reports on Benefits of Marriage
Here's an interesting story reported by the MSM that is in agreement with previous research: married couples are generally healthier, happier, and wealthier than their single counterparts. The study also showed that cohabiting, unmarried couples do not experience all the same benefits. Other studies have shown that individuals who cohabit outside of marriage are more likely to eventully break up or to divorce should they ever marry. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/MH/00108.html For additional insight in this regard, check out Steven L. Nock's book: Marriage in Men's Lives. Nock shows … [Read more...] about Mayo Clinic Reports on Benefits of Marriage
Discount Copies Available
Dear Friends, Here is the best price I am aware of for obtaining a new copy of this book. Amazon is another option. Thank you, Alex and Marni Chediak … [Read more...] about Discount Copies Available
Endorsements of With One Voice
Courtship, dating, and marriage have become flashpoints of debate among young evangelicals--and this is a controversy worth our attention. Alex and Marni Chediak offer sound biblical advice and a clear Christian framework for working through the maze of confusions surrounding modern marriage. Against the stream of our postmodern culture committed to personal autonomy, this couple points Christians to a higher standard--the glory of God. Christians young and old, single and married, will find help in this concise book. -R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President The Southern Baptist Theological … [Read more...] about Endorsements of With One Voice