Courtship, dating, and marriage have become flashpoints of debate among young evangelicals–and this is a controversy worth our attention. Alex and Marni Chediak offer sound biblical advice and a clear Christian framework for working through the maze of confusions surrounding modern marriage. Against the stream of our postmodern culture committed to personal autonomy, this couple points Christians to a higher standard–the glory of God. Christians young and old, single and married, will find help in this concise book.
–Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY
The Bible gives us loads of instruction for marriage – what it is, who it is for, what it is for, and how to conduct ourselves as married men and women. But how do we move from singleness to marriage? Is the answer to ditch the “dating model” and go for courtship? Do we roll back the clock and re-institute arranged marriages? Publishers have been cranking out books with all sorts of directions to help Christians navigate the treacherous waters between the buoys of singleness and marriage, and I know of none that is more clear, concise and helpful thanWith One Voice. Here is a practical book that neither sacrifices a proper emphasis on the glory of God in our relationships, nor underplays the importance of the Bible’s teaching on manhood and womanhood.
–J. Ligon Duncan III, PhD
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
President, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Past Moderator, General Assembly, Presbyterian Church in America
Convener, Twin Lakes Fellowship
Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary
Chairman, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Dating books have been avalanching off the press in recent years. Few, however, approach the subject theologically, and even fewer accent how the critical biblical foundations of manhood and womanhood are related. That is what makes With One Voice unique. This book boldly and clearly connects the Bible’s undeniable teaching about manhood and womanhood to how Christians should think about singleness, dating, and marriage. Parents, married couples, and singles need this book more than they know!
–Richard L. Holland, D.Min.
Pastor, College & Student Ministries – Grace Community Church
Director of D.Min. Studies – The Master’s Seminary
This relatively short book packs a powerful bang for the buck, providing much biblical and practical advice for young men and women seeking to glorify God in relationships. And we must say, the first chapter on the redefinition of youth was excellent.
–Alex and Brett Harris
Award-Winning Public Speakers and Debaters, authors of Do Hard Things