Jonah Goldberg makes an outstanding case that Barack Obama seems to exhibit a postmodern view of language. Excerpt: One reason Obama seems arrogant is that he can never admit he was wrong, a common shortcoming of politicians. But Obama sometimes literally gets exasperated with people who think his words can mean anything other than what he thinks they should mean. Even when he says things he later regrets such as on, say, the North American Free Trade Agreement, he merely says that his rhetoric got overheated, but that he was still accurate. When Jeremiah Wright, his pastor and "spiritual … [Read more...] about Barack Obama: A Postmodern View of Words?
Gross National Happiness – Arthur Brooks
Dr. Arthur Brooks, Louis A. Bantle Professor of Business and Government Policy at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, has just published an interesting book which examines the factors that influence happiness. In a recent interview with Marvin Olasky in World Magazine, Brooks noted: There are three basic things that make people happy: meaning in their lives, control over their environment, and success in creating value in the world. And the way people get these things is not with money or power or fame—it is with their values. People who are serious about … [Read more...] about Gross National Happiness – Arthur Brooks
ESV Bibles at 45% Off
Westminster Bookstore announces that all ESV Bibles are now available at 45% off the list price. This includes the new ESV One Year Bible which breaks up the entire Bible into 15-minute daily readings, each with a portion from the OT, the NT, Psalms & Proverbs. … [Read more...] about ESV Bibles at 45% Off
The Importance of Church Planting – Piper / GCA
Evangelicals are increasingly interested in church planting, and with good reason. John Piper offers seven considerations: 1. There are 195 million non-churched people in America, making America one of the top four largest “unchurched” nations in the world. 2. In spite of the rise of mega-churches, no county in America has a greater church population than it did ten years ago. 3. During the last ten years, combined communicant membership of all Protestant denominations declined by 9.5 percent (4,498,242), while the national population increased by 11.4 percent (24,153,000). 4. Each year 3,500 … [Read more...] about The Importance of Church Planting – Piper / GCA
John Piper on Masculine Christianity
At a recent pastors luncheon, John Piper delivered a message entitled "Sweet Blessings of Masculine Christianity." What Piper means by this phrase (though he acknowledges that words are inadequate) is this: "The theology and the church and the mission are marked by over-arching male leadership and an ethos of tender-hearted strength and contrite courage and risk-taking decisiveness and readiness to sacrifice to protect and provide for the community-the feel of a great, majestic God making the men lovingly strong and the women intelligently secure." Piper goes on to unpack eleven descriptors … [Read more...] about John Piper on Masculine Christianity
James Dobson on Third Party Option
In an op-ed piece in the New York Times this week, Dr. James Dobson confirmed the widespread buzz that more than fifty pro-family leaders had recently gathered in Salt Lake City, Utah to discuss how they would respond to a Rudy Giuliani GOP nomination. Dobson wrote: “If neither of the two major political parties nominates an individual who pledges himself or herself to the sanctity of human life, we will join others in voting for a minor-party candidate. . . I firmly believe that the selection of a president should begin with a recommitment to traditional moral values and beliefs. Those … [Read more...] about James Dobson on Third Party Option