Josh Harris is strongly associated with "purity culture." The phrase "purity culture" is generally used derisively. But the Bible teaches purity. Christians should pursue purity. That said, it's fair to say that the "courtship only" school establishes a set of extrabiblical requirements which can prove helpful in some instances, but stiflingly restrictive in other situations. How you pursue a possible spouse depends on your circumstances. Though God's standards remain timeless (e.g., I Thess. 4:3-8), there is no one right method. It's one thing if you're 18 years old, living with your … [Read more...] about Josh Harris Abandons Christianity
Relevance is the Strongest Predictor in Whether Someone Thinks College is Worth It
People often ask "Is college worth it?" A research study from Strada Education has found that the best predictor for this question is relevance. Meaning this: If you think the courses you took at college were relevant to your life and work after college, you’re also likely to think you received a good education (quality) and that it was worth the cost (value). It's not about how much you paid. It's about whether you think what you learned was relevant. But the sad truth is that only 26% of working U.S. adults with college experience strongly agree that their education … [Read more...] about Relevance is the Strongest Predictor in Whether Someone Thinks College is Worth It
Is Specialization Hurting the Liberal Arts?
The University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point is experiencing a budget shortfall to the tune of $7.9 million. A year ago they cut $12 million from their budget. But with enrollment continuing to fall, six liberal arts majors are now on the chopping block. Including history. Students in these majors would be allowed to complete their programs. Many of the faculty would stay to teach liberal arts courses to students in other disciplines. But some layoffs are expected. The proposal has caused alarm. In 2015, Governor Walker supposedly tried to remove the phrase “search for truth” from the … [Read more...] about Is Specialization Hurting the Liberal Arts?
More Students Seeking Help for Anxiety & Depression
Katie Reilly, for Time magazine, writes that "Record Numbers of College Students Are Seeking Treatment for Depression and Anxiety — But Schools Can't Keep Up." An excerpt: "Between 2009 and 2015, the number of students visiting counseling centers increased by about 30% on average, while enrollment grew by less than 6%, the Center for Collegiate Mental Health found in a 2015 report. Students seeking help are increasingly likely to have attempted suicide or engaged in self-harm, the center found. In spring 2017, nearly 40% of college students said they had felt so depressed in the prior year … [Read more...] about More Students Seeking Help for Anxiety & Depression
Interview with Tommy McGregor (The Transmission)
Tommy McGregor works with The Transmission, a ministry geared at helping parents and students with the transition to life after high school. It was a pleasure to speak with him this morning about how students can prepare to thrive at college. The Skype interview was part of a Senior Summit project that The Transmission will be releasing in a few weeks. Update: The Senior Summit, an online video summit about the transition to the challenges of college life, is now available as a free resource. … [Read more...] about Interview with Tommy McGregor (The Transmission)
Ben Sasse – The Vanishing American Adult
Do we really need another book about entitled millennials? Or about the helicopter parents who raise these precious darlings? Senator Ben Sasse’s The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis — and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance exceeds expectations. It challenges both parents and our culture, offering compelling and timely solutions. The Problem Sasse has no issue with adolescence. The problem is one of perpetual adolescence — an indefinite period in which youth are passive and aimless. Why is this so common? In part because teens today are used to an unprecedented … [Read more...] about Ben Sasse – The Vanishing American Adult