Andrée Seu: A friend of mine told me that now she understands how adultery begins. She went to a woman’s house to drop off a package as a favor to someone, but the woman was not home. The husband was, and they exchanged pleasantries for a few moments. My friend noticed the carpentry project the man was working on and commented on his artistry. She asked him a few questions about it, and it didn’t take much to encourage him to spill forth for an hour and a half about every aspect of the work. It was fun. Read the rest of Seu's insightful commentary. HT: Denny Burk … [Read more...] about How an Affair Begins
With One Voice
Prenups for Cohabiting Couples
Sounds like a boon for lawyers: A growing number of unmarried couples are seeking similar legal protections through cohabitation agreements. These legally-binding contracts, which are drawn up by an attorney, protect each person's assets, address child custody issues and determine support obligations, much like prenuptial agreements do. "We've seen a real dramatic increase," said Ken Altshuler, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, or AAML. "A lot more people are delaying, or forgoing, marriage and people are realizing as you get older, you have more things to … [Read more...] about Prenups for Cohabiting Couples
You Never Marry the Right Person
Relevant Magazine publishes an excerpt from Tim Keller's outstanding book, The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God. In generations past, there was far less talk about “compatibility” and finding the ideal soul-mate. Today we are looking for someone who accepts us as we are and fulfills our desires, and this creates an unrealistic set of expectations that frustrates both the searchers and the searched for. Read the whole thing. HT: Justin Chao … [Read more...] about You Never Marry the Right Person
Chasing Suitors With Snow Shovels
Pastor Doug Wilson on fathers asking would-be suitors about pornography: Given how accessible porn is nowadays, it has inevitably caused certain dislocations in contemporary courtships. I do urge fathers to bring the subject up when prospective suitors first seek their permission to court their daughter. A father may feel it is an awkward subject for him to bring up, but it is certainly not going to get less awkward later on, when more is at stake. An excerpt: I am a pastor in a college town. I have no idea how many Christian young men I have counseled and taught about their problems with … [Read more...] about Chasing Suitors With Snow Shovels
Man Enough to Love a Real Woman
Joshua Rogers: Cory, one of my happily married friends, was annoyed with some of his single, male buddies. "Joshua, it's so irritating," he said. "I suggest a woman to them, but they say 'she's not attractive enough,' or she's lacking in some other area. And here's the crazy part: In every case — without exception — the woman is way out of their league." I shook my head. "I know. I used to be like those guys, always finding a problem with every woman I dated. I didn't realize I was the one with the problem." And my problem was pride. I measured women against a vague standard of … [Read more...] about Man Enough to Love a Real Woman
Interview – Jim Newheiser – You Never Stop Being a Parent
Last week I reviewed the latest book from Jim Newheiser & Elyse Fitzpatrick, You Never Stop Being a Parent: Thriving in Relationship With Your Adult Children. These two also co-authored When Good Kids Make Bad Choices. I'm grateful that Pastor Jim was kind enough to answer a few questions for us about their most recent book. Pastor Jim, thank you very much for being available. There's a lot of discussion in the secular media about "helicopter parents". Among Christians, is there a real trend to "over-parenting" in our day? I want to preface my responses by stating our conviction that the … [Read more...] about Interview – Jim Newheiser – You Never Stop Being a Parent